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Nuclear Power Plant

Nuclear Power: A Comprehensive Guide

What is a Nuclear Power Plant?

A nuclear power plant (NPP) is a facility that generates electricity using nuclear fission as its heat source. A nuclear reactor, the facility's core component, produces heat by splitting uranium atoms in a controlled manner.

How it Works

The heat generated by the reactor is transferred to a primary coolant, typically water, which turns into steam. The steam is then channeled through a turbine, which drives a generator to produce electricity. Condenser coils cool the steam, returning it to liquid form to restart the cycle.

Low-Carbon Energy Source

Nuclear power is considered a low-carbon energy source because it does not directly release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. However, the mining and processing of uranium fuel and the construction and decommissioning of NPPs do have some environmental impacts.

Types of Nuclear Reactions

Nuclear power plants can utilize either nuclear fission or nuclear fusion reactions. Nuclear power plants currently in operation almost exclusively use nuclear fission, a process that splits uranium atoms to release energy. Nuclear fusion, which combines atoms to release energy, is still under development.
